Tag Archive | Everyday blessings

Three Seasons in One Week!

Wow has this been an unusual spring.  We will experience three seasons in the span of one week.  Sunday and Monday our high was well into the 90’s, then on Wednesday here came a late spring cold front and down into the 30’s complete with a strong north wind and snowflakes!  But no fear, by Sunday our forecast says it will be 64 and Monday 71!  Doesn’t God have a wonderful sense of humor?  I really don’t mind, I’m much more a winter person than I am a summer person and I know the sweltering heat will find us soon enough.

And it has given me a couple more days to enjoy one of my favorite things about winter.  We have an old wood burning stove out in our shop that has a fire going in it all winter long.  It would have many tales to tell because it is the gathering place for all the truck drivers waiting on their repairs to be done, or when it is too muddy for them to get their oil-hauling 004rigs down the dirt roads.  Whenever Mark takes a minute to drink a cup of coffee that’s where he goes, and when he decides to call it a day, there are always two or three or more guys ready to sit a few minutes to shoot the breeze before locking up the shop and headin’ in.  During the cold weather months, I load lunch up and take it out to the shop for us to enjoy around the fire.  Sometimes I make a huge pot of chili and a batch of cinnamon rolls.  I take extra bowls and spoons so anyone who happens to be out there can join us.  Sometimes I take hot dogs, buns, chips and s’more fixin’s and we use the fire to cook our lunch!  Today it was just usual lunch fare of chicken rice soup and sandwiches. No matter what it is, it always tastes better,  is more fun to eat and warms you to the bone when you eat it gathered round the open flame!


Mark and our son Bryan